At Last! An
Inexpensive, Clever Way to
Control Your Model Train Accessories
Saving Time, Money & Frustration!

REVEALED: "How to Use Tiny Micro Controllers
on Your Model Railroad… to Realistically
Replicate Details & Functions of a Full-Size Railroad!"
fascinating e-book will show you step-by-step how to get started using micro
controls on your model railroad. It will show you ways to give a little
hard-working microcontroller supremacy over the power hungry old technology, and
how you can add that intelligence to your layout."
Arduino micro-control technology for:
Rolling stock and
scenery lighting control and effects, street lamps, illumination of buildings,
emergency vehicle lights, campfires, welding effects, tall structure anti-collision
lighting, turnout operation, solenoid, servos/motors, block occupancy detection,
infrared, current sense, right of way signal lighting, semaphores, crossing gate
and signal operation, flashers, gate arms, turntable control, draw and lift bridge
control, DCC testing, fast time clock, wireless controls, scenery sound control,
lighting fixture day-night control.
The hard work has been done
for you -
e-book is the culmination of more than a year's work including: extensive research,
coding, testing, writing, taking photos, drawing diagrams, making videos etc. So,
there's no need for you to go through the same trials and tribulations. The
results are all laid out in an easy to follow format, ready for you to apply and

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(FREE Bonus Gift Details
The best model railroad layouts feature highly detailed and accurate scenery. We all know that
models look great when they are surrounded by steep mountains and deep gorges that feature long
bridges and rushing water below, and we take a lot of care as modelers to make those settings as
realistic as possible.
Adding the Realism of a Real Railroad Miniaturized
to Scale
But the real purpose of any railroad is transportation, and that means that at
some point the railroad has to interact with an urban environment of some kind. In
the real world, railroad rolling stock is large and powerful machinery, so that
makes it hazardous to operate and to be near.
Safety has been a key issue since the early days of railroading, and as time has
passed, the use of signaling lights has become standard on prototypical railroads.
These have progressed from kerosene lanterns to modern light emitting diode (LED)
signals on today’s high speed light rail and long haul routes.
Position, color and action all play a part in warning and control of railroad equipment as it
moves around humans and other machinery, so that’s where micro controllers can help you
perfectly replicate the realistic details of a full-size railroad on your scale model
railroad. This e-book will show you how easy it is to get started with Arduino
projects to control lights, sounds, trains, and accessories on your model railroad.
A Quick Word or Two about Olden
Those of us in the model railroading hobby today are fortunate to have such a
wealth of technology to make it easy to create layouts that are incredibly
realistic. It wasn’t always so, and often the devices available in the pre-digital
era used a lot of power. Many of those artifacts have disappeared forever, but some
remain because the function they serve or the realism they offer isn’t practical or
possible with modern electronics.
railroading technology has come along way since the 1950's
the Clever, Low Cost, Step-By-Step Way to
More Flexibly Control Your Model Railroad Accessories
What we DO have now days is an intelligent and inexpensive way to more flexibly control
some of those train accessories. The problem is; they still use a lot of power. HOWEVER, micro
controls have the smarts to operate them efficiently and easily.
From Then ‘til Now…
The digital revolution in model railroading has been around for quite a while. Digital Command
and Control (DCC) systems have broken the $100 barrier and can be found even on small layouts.
There are many companies who are making specialized digital control products that serve a single
purpose such as throwing turnout points. Most of the products can be installed by anyone who can
hook up a couple of color-coded wires correctly, and will perform quite satisfactorily.
But there is an Obvious Problem
Implementing a lot of such hardware on a medium to large layout can start to become very
expensive very quickly.
The brains of the products described above are generally a special purpose electronic chip or set
of chips that depend on individual electronic components to do a single operation. For example, you
probably can’t find a stationary turnout decoder that can also operate as a remote block occupancy
Now for the Solution...
Why expend all that power, layout space and expense when you can have a very few
small more powerful brains that will do all the thinking and then tell the layout
accessory what to do?
Micro Controllers Have Many Uses For Model
Railroads and Other Projects
In the past few years, the notion of a small computer to control several functions has been put
into wide use. Appliances, automobiles and environmental systems all use these “micro controllers”
to accomplish their tasks.
What Does a Microcontroller
A micro controller is a very small computer which is designed to do one or just
a few simple tasks over and over again. It will usually be found taking
measurements, turning things on and off and often displaying results.
All that needs to be done for a microcontroller to change from turning on your
coffee pot in the morning to operating your furnace is the difference of a few
lines of computer instructions. The obvious benefit is that thousands of the same
kind of device can be manufactured much more cheaply, and the instructions for it
all work the same way.
What a Microcontroller Can Do for Your Model Railroad?
Here’s a short list of
microcontroller uses for model railroaders:
Scenery and rolling stock lighting control and
- Street lamps
- Structure Illumination
- Emergency vehicle lighting
- Campfires
- Welding
- Tall structure anti-collision lighting
Turnout operation
Block occupancy detection
Right of way signal lighting
Crossing gate and signal
Turntable control
- Draw and lift bridge control
- DCC testing
- Fast time clock
- Wireless controls
- Scenery sound control
- Lighting fixture day-night control
The Quickest & Easiest
Way to Get Started
With Model Railroad Micro Controls
This PDF e-book (it's very quick to download), will explain the Arduino micro controller and
precisely what it can do. It will also provide a step by step tutorial to get it communicating with
your computer. You’ll be ready to begin experimenting or developing your own uses around your model
railroad layout and/or projects around your home.
You’ll discover:
- What you’ll need to get started
- Where to begin – the Arduino basics explained
- Where to download free software for your mini
- How Arduino works
- What micro controls can be used for
- The “ground rules” and common mistakes to avoid
- How to use your computer for programming
- How to write a program
- Step by step Arduino tutorials (with short video clip
- What’s a blink test, and how to do it?
- EXPLAINED: Resistors and transistors, and why they’re so
- LED tutorial
- Code to create your own:
• Locomotive Visibility Flasher
• Emergency Vehicle/Light Bar Flashers
• Electric Arc Welding
• Flickering Flame
• Incandescent Obstruction Lighting
- Creating strobe lights and short flashes
- Another way to use output pins
- Resistor color codes demystified
- Switching incandescent lamps and other power-hungry devices
- REVEALED: Using the transistor as a switch
- Care and feeding of transistors
- Other lighting suggestions
- A quick base resistor calculator for transistor work
- How to use micro controls for automation and
- Integrating with DCC - What you need to know
- Using micro controllers as a block occupany detector
- EXPLAINED: How Arduino can prevent derailments and throw a
- Using Arduino as a programmable motor controller
- How to use a servo for linear, straight line, or round and
round motion
- Using Arduino to do math calculations
- PLUS - Access to my personal list of the best video project
tutorials and useful resources. Locating these on your own could
take days or weeks.
- And so much more!

Download Now
(see FREE bonus gift below)
This e-book takes only about minute to download (depending on the speed of your internet
connection), ready for you to save on your computer, on a memory stick, or even on a disk. Even
though it is a technical subject, it is written in easy-to-understand English with everything
explained step by step. There are lots of diagrams and photos to explain the steps, and
there's even links to several tutorial videos demonstrating the results with Arduino.
You are no doubt concerned that valuable infomation like this is going to cost you an arm and a
leg... but, there's no need to worry.
Others have told me I should be charging hundreds more, considering the research and
knowledge that went into preparing this e-book... especially when you consider how much time and
frustration it could save you trying this work out this stuff on your own.
"Getting Started With
Model Railroad Micro Controls is
very well set out and organized in a logical way from start to
Put simply; Getting Started With Model Railroad Controls will save
you money, time, and hours of frustration... and, if you are decisive and download now, you can
pick it up for a genuine bargain price of ONLY $39.97 today! - and that even includes the following

Computer Intellience For Your
Model Railroad will help you decide which new
technolgies will best meet the requirements of your
model railroad.

The A.B.C's of L.E.D's is packed with
photos showing how to get started.
This Computer Intelligence For Your Model
Railroad manual helps you compare the new
technologies. You'll discover how computers and electronics can
not only add realism and interest to your model
railroad, they'll also save you
money. Discover:
- How track switching can be less expensive and take
much less time than old technology.
- Which technology is best for turning things on and off; or
responding to signals; or displaying conditions on an LCD
screen; or tracking rolling stock movements.
- Is there an advantage to using a microcomputer when a
microcontroller might do the job just as well and more
- What's the difference between the two?
- And much more!
The A.B.C's of L.E.D's manual is a
great introduction to using this clever money-saving technology on
your railroad. Discover:
- Advantages & disadvantages of LED's
- Uses for LED's on a model railroad
- Types of LED's
- How they work
- How to select the right current limiting resistor
- And much more!
L.E.D lights save power and give off less heat (lower fire risk)
than convensional lights. Properly installed an LED light can
easily outlive the motor in a locomotive - 35,000 or more hours of
operation is not uncommon.
So for just $39.97, you'll not only get the Micro-Controllers e-book, you'll also get the
informative LED and COMPUTER INTELLIGENCE manuals absolutely free.
The price is really a "painless drop in the bucket" to be able to lay your hands on
“Getting Started With Model Railroad Micro-Controls”, the supporting step-by-step tutorial videos,
and the two bonus manuals. You will be able to start using this information right away!
You'll save yourself months of finding out this information for yourself the hard
way... especially when you consider just one idea from this e-book could save you hundreds
of dollars, which makes investing the $39.97 a no-brainer.
It’s quick & easy to get started. Just click the “Download Now” button below...

$39.97 is a mere fraction of what this level of technical information and expertise is really
worth. It's taken more than a year to thoroughly research and test the various ideas and
projects... and, to lay them out in a simple to understand way with the help of
step-by-step photos, diagrams, charts, and supporting video tutorials.
Think of how long doing all this yourself would set you back in terms of time, money and sheer
frustration. It's just a fraction of what this valuable resource is really worth, compared to the
months of effort, and extra money you'll save by having this specialized knowledge and experience
at your fingertips.
This is a tiny sum to pay, to get straight-to-the-point specialized information! You can be
accessing this important resource on your computer within 5 minutes... regadless of where you live,
and even if it’s 3 in the morning!
Now for the best guarantee you'll ever see!

One of the greatest features of the Arduino micro control system for the model
railroader is being a learning tool. Modern DCC layouts are a marriage of older technology from the
early electric toy train days and solid state devices with computer control. This comprehensive
e-book show a number of exercises from start to finish. Experimenting with the Arduino in these
exercises and those you invent for yourself naturally teach you everything you need to know in
order to understand layout technology in the 21st century. If you are a youngster just starting
out, developing an interest the world of microcomputers and programming can lead you into a very
rewarding and lucrative career for life. Enjoy!